North Devon Cultural Strategy
Things Made Public began by undertaking detailed, robust place-based research, covering spatial analysis, policy review and quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Having established an in-depth knowledge of the region ‘on paper’, Things Made Public designed a bespoke ‘on the ground’ consultation programme.
From primary school children to College students; refugee communities to local village communities, the accessible consultation programme provided an extensive insight into the needs of diverse stakeholders throughout the region. Reaching over 800 people across Northern Devon, engagement activities included creative workshops; rural drop-in visits to local community centres, places of worship and pubs; place based tours led by local people; one-to-one interviews and a region wide online survey.

Building on the foundation of community knowledge and in collaboration with the Local Authority, Things Made Public brought together a 25-strong Strategy Steering Group, including NPOs, cultural businesses, education providers, health sector and community groups; all of whom were instrumental in shaping the direction of Northern Devon Cultural Strategy, ensuring that it was anchored with a realistic and deliverable action plan, implemented by key stakeholders across the region.
Drawing on people’s profound relationship with the Northern Devon landscape, Things Made Public created a Cultural Strategy that harnessed the power of the region’s internationally significant environment. Celebrating its heritage of independent makers, the cultural vision envisages a place in which creativity thrives in unison with its landscape and communities. From outdoors arts to rural touring to digital programming, the Northern Devon Cultural Strategy took a radical approach to tackling the effects of rural isolation and coastal deprivation on cultural provision, placing accessibility at the forefront of cultural programming.